1st Class

  • TeacherMs. Phelan


Our Spookathon!!

  • Once again our Spookathon was a ‘spooktacular’ success this year. Our sincere thanks to our parents and guardians, your support this year was absolutely fantastic. We appreciate your support so much. Our thanks too, to our terrifyingly talented teachers, screamingly super special needs assistants and spookastically superb secretary, who all engaged with the Spookathon spirit. And to the awesomely attired scholars of St. Kevin’s, we had Batman and Barbie, pirates and princesses, zombies, pizzas and iphones, what a brilliant bunch you were this year! If scaring is caring, we’re an immensely fortunate school! Click on the link and see if you can spot the ghouls and ghosts of our fantastic First Class!!

    The St. Kevin’s Spookathon 2014!!



Super Scholars!

  • Super salutations to the latest of our St. Kevin’s scholars. This week our scholars were typically super, in their homework, attenadance, school work and manners! In St. Kevin’s we love to see everyone ‘on the line at ten to nine’, we love to see happy handwriters creating super sentences and perfect poems and we love to see super smiles. Our scholars, pictured, managed to do each of these things this week. What legends!!



Our Cake Sale!!

  • On Friday, our Parents’ Association hosted their annual cake sale in the Parents’ Room. All our parents and guardians were invited to bring or bake a cake – and we must say a huge and tasty thanks to all our parents and guardians who baked and brought cakes of all types and sizes – we had very cool chocolate cakes, fantastic fairy buns, super Swiss rolls and any number of brilliantly bakes goods and terrifically tasty treats. Our thanks as always for your support on the day. It was a great success and we certainly had a bunch of happy, cake-filled pupils in First Class!!! Click on the link below to see a selection of the delicious cakes and smiley St. Kevin’s scholars from the cake sale!

    Our Cake Sale!!



Mouse and the Spiky Visitor!

  • Last week we joined with Second Class to take part in the fun with Mouse and this time he wasn’t alone!! In fact, Mouse had brought along a friend, a new pupil who was ‘furry’ good in class!! We were very nice to our new pupil, as he can sometimes get a little ‘spiky’ if he isn’t happy! We all had a cuddle and then we went exploring in our yard, to find food for our furry little friend!! We are delighted to work with Mouse this year as we are doing lots of great projects with him! Check out the snap of our new pupil!



Our Christmas Shows!

  • Our Christmas shows took place in the week before our Christmas holidays. It was a great morning, with the talents of each class shining brightly, from our Junior Infants who performed the ‘ABC Nativity’ to the simply superb singing of our Senior Infants, who all sported the coolest Christmas jumpers! The amazing play, ‘Away with the Manager’ was performed by the amazing actors in our First Class and Second Class, along with a wonderful choral performance from our singing scholars in our Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth classes. Our newly formed school choir also made their début performance. It was a great morning and our sincere thanks to all our parents and guardians who offered their support and encouragement on the day! Click on the link to see all the action, especially the little legends of First Class!

    Our Christmas Shows!



Super Scholars in St. Kevin's!

  • Wow!! We would like to celebrate our First Class superstars who are ‘first class’ in every way! These guys earned over ten point each; for being on-time each day, for wonderful homework,  excellent work in the classroom and for super manners all day!! We are very proud of these guys, super scholars every one, keep up the awesome and amazing work!!



Getting Ready for Bio-Diversity!

  • Biodiversity is the huge variety and variation of life that surrounds our school. This week is our Green School Action Week and for the last two years we have been working on the theme of biodiversity. We have studied the natural environment of our school and come to appreciate the biodiversity that is all around us – from the grass in our yard, to our trees, our flowerbeds, our newly planted and maintained school garden, our outdoor classroom, our bird boxes, our bug hotels, our nocturnal visitors, our project work, it really is all around us. And as always, we are careful and respectful of all the diverse life around us, it is really great to know there is so much going on in our yard, even when we’re not around! And remember, stay keen, stay green – and click on the link to see some of our work so far, we have had some great days with Mouse in the gardens outside so keep an eye out for us!!

    Getting Ready for Bio-Diversity and Green School Action Week!



Seachtain na Gaeilge!!

  • Bhí Seachtain na Gaeilge againn i Scoil Naomh Chaoimhín. Bhí orainn go leor imeachtaí. Bhí comórtas ealaíne againn, bhí feis ceoil agus ceolchoirm leis an córscoil againn, bhí lá glas againn agus bhí tráth na gceist againn. Bhí sé spraoi iontach. Seiceáil go léir an gníomh!!!

    Seachtain na Gaeilge 2015!!

    Seachtain na Gaeilge 2014!!



Super Scholars!

  • Perhaps a final celebration of our First Class superstars who are ‘first class’ in every way! These guys earned over twenty points each; for being on-time each day, for wonderful homework,  excellent work in the classroom and for super manners all day!! We are very proud of these guys, super scholars every one, keep up the awesome and amazing work!! And what amazing scores, twenty points and more, record breakers each and every one, well done!!

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